Workshop on Quantum Software and Applications 2022

part of INFORMATIK 2022, annual conference of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)

Description and purpose

After decades of research and development in physical labs and abstract Hilbert spaces, first commercial quantum computers have become available. Early designs for quantum programming languages date back for more than 20 years, but predominantly originate from physics research. Only recently, major international computer science and software engineering venues, ICSE and FSE in particular, have started hosting quantum software and quantum programming workshops.

Since collaboration across disciplines is still underdeveloped, our workshop aims at leveraging the momentum generated by an exchange with natural sciences. Our goal is to foster the interaction between computer science and more traditional quantum disciplines, as well as industrial users. The workshop serves as a forum for the growing quantum software community in Germany, to discuss the wider question of how quantum resources can benefit computer science, and how quantum programming and quantum software engineering can support this endeavour.

Additionally, it can serve as a point of contact for (the many) researchers from non-CS disciplines that work on quantum computing.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Important dates

All deadlines are 23:59h AoE (anywhere on Earth)


We invite presentations of new and emerging research ideas, and talks based on short papers (up to 4 pages, excluding references). There will be invited talks from research and industry. All submissions must be written in English.

The workshop focus is on interactive, cross-disciplinary discussion. Submissions can be based on extended abstracts for early results, or finished papers. Special distinction will be given to reproducible contributions based on the ACM criteria.

Papers must be written using the LNI style for authors and must be submitted using EasyChair.

Workshop Organisers
Schedule (GMT+2/MESZ)
Room: ESA West 122
Access via Zoom:

Workshop Participants Photo

Workshop Program Committee: